Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wonder Woman

Back in mid-December, I had a break from the holiday crazies and took time for myself in the quiet of the country.  I spent two and a half days with strong, awesome, beautiful women from the Yoga Rasa tribe in Chappel Hill - and met Wonder Woman!  Literally.  We had the most beautiful time rediscovering our power as women - and on the last night of the retreat we had a visit from Wonder Woman.  I'm talking knee high red boots, the mini skirt and the hair. Wrist bands of power!  And all of the sudden we were no different than kids looking at a hero - stop and put yourself in that state of mind for a moment.  Think about your favorite hero - there's a part of you that knows that's you too.  You can't see their strength unless it is also your own.  And I just love how all the super heros have this nerdy "secret" identity.

So, what does Wonder Woman do in her everyday life? She goes to work. She cooks lasagna with her husband. She spills Dr. Pepper on her ivory turtleneck sweater.  In her everyday life, Wonder Woman does everyday things.  It's how she's being as she's doing these tasks that makes her Wonder Woman.  

She's present.  At least her intention is to be present with everyone and everything.  

"What do you mean, 'She's present'?" you ask? Well, whatever is her task at the moment, that's where her mind is. That's her power. The power of presence. She's not off thinking about what so-and-so said last week that was so out of line. Or worried about how she's going to lift the car that might possibly fall on Little Timmy and his dog Fuzzball three days from now. She knows that whatever she needs will be provided in the moment if she just shows up fully to receive it. She creates space for wonders to occur in her life.  And she accepts what is. If things aren't looking exactly wonderful at the moment, she knows there's more going on that she can't see.  

So, she trusts life. Like a child trusts - and like a child looks at the world through the eyes of wonder - that's Wonder Woman's vision.  

To close this post, a quote from Queen Hippolyte (played by Cloris Leachman in the TV series! ):
"Go in peace my daughter. And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman."

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