Friday, April 10, 2009

Don'tcha just love it?

Anyone remember those old Chick-fil-A commercials with the song, "Chick-fil-A, don'tcha just love it? Taste it, you'll love it for good?"

Honestly, I've never seen a Chick-fil-A that wasn't packed.  And yes, I do love it and when I needed a place to grab lunch today on the way to the dietician it was what I was craving.  So, at noon I arrived and yes, it was teaming with men, women, children, chickens, cows (ok, so there were only humans there - but it was CROWDED!).  I actually had to walk a good distance and dodge cars to get into the restaurant!  They still managed to be fast and friendly and not too many minutes after walking in the door I had my lunch.  Then I looked around, bewildered: not a table in sight.  And suddenly, like a beam of light from heaven, my eyes fell on a booth that was in the final stages of being wiped clean.  It was meant to be and I had a seat.  A few moments later amidst the hustle and bustle the little man who had cleaned the table reappeared with pepper grinder in hand.  "How you doin' today ma'am? Care for some pepper?"  I was caught off guard having applied the tiny packets of salt and pepper I had retrieved from the condiment station only moments before.  "Oh, no thank you" I said.  "I already got some."  Then I hear him working the room.  "How you doin' today...?"  I almost called him back over after the third or fourth person dismissed him.  By that point, however, I was noticing that there were many, MANY people wandering in search of non-existent tables.  And here I was occupying a booth by my lonesome.  

When I saw the kids make a second sweep through the dining area I caught the older girl's eye and offered her the extra space at my table.  "Really?" she smiled.  She gathered her younger brother and grandmother and voila!  Instant entertainment.  The girl was in her teens and very respectfully offered her grandmother food in her native language (Chinese, maybe?)  The grandmother proceeded to eat her sandwich with a knife and fork and beam about her grandkids.  I nodded and smiled.  

At the same time, Cameron decided what he would eat by virtue of the fact that it was what his big sister wouldn't want.  This is very important.  Lettuce and tomato do not belong on your sandwich.  And did you know that if you empty an entire packet of hot sauce on your chicken it is HOT?  But everything will be okay when sister crawls out to retrieve napkins and sops it all up.  Oh no!  But the bread has sauce!  Get rid of it!  Maybe you should try fries instead.  Yes.  Honey mustard is good.  Big sis is crawling out again on the search for Polynesian sauce - she thinks grandmother would enjoy it.  It is good, after all.  Unless you are Cameron, who apparently can't taste it.  Try it again (and this time you might try actually getting some on the fry!).  Nope.  Still can't taste it.  Back to the honey mustard.  You really can't go wrong with honey mustard.  

By this time I had finished my salad.  Immediately a helpful Chick-fil-A employee appeared for my trash, but it was actually so soon I was still chewing and politely declined his helpful offer to clear my tray.  A few moments of letting my lunch settle and I decided it was time to make my move and get to my appointment.  I smiled as I said goodbye to my Chick-fil-A friends.  Grandmother practically dragged me from my seat with her attempt to help me to my feet.  They chorused "Thank you for sharing your table with us!"  I said "you're welcome" and smiled but inside I was thinking "Thank you for sharing the table with me!"  

Chick-fil-A!  I just love it!